Thanks, Tech Wench!
Among my most lovely of future ex-wives is Tech Wench, the creator of this way cool blog skin.
Apparently Blogger, being kinda evil, arbitrarily added some sort of techno-crapola-code to all the blogs that did not feature their premade templates. This upset the Wench something fierce and you DON'T wanna upset the Wench!
I know nuthin' about this stuff. I do know that she came in & fixed whatever was wrong with the thing and this blog is as happy as ever. Thanks, kid.
Now if I could get the rest of my good-for-nothing brothers to actually contribute and post once in awhile. I swear I do all the work to promote this fantastic little group of ours. Zeesh!
Apparently Blogger, being kinda evil, arbitrarily added some sort of techno-crapola-code to all the blogs that did not feature their premade templates. This upset the Wench something fierce and you DON'T wanna upset the Wench!
I know nuthin' about this stuff. I do know that she came in & fixed whatever was wrong with the thing and this blog is as happy as ever. Thanks, kid.
Now if I could get the rest of my good-for-nothing brothers to actually contribute and post once in awhile. I swear I do all the work to promote this fantastic little group of ours. Zeesh!
Hiya Nicky Boy! Hope Bobby's better. My email card finally went through after a few tries.
2:49 PM by