Monday, July 18, 2005

You Pay What We Pay

9:19 PM by Nicky Vegas

That's all the rage these days, giving the common man the employee discount on the purchase of new cars. It all started with GM. See, those guys lost BILLIONS of dollars last quarter because they passed on the Hybrid technology and made cars so darned big you could put a Suburban in the back seat of your Hummer. Anyway, they needed a boost in sales and they came up with this concept.

OK, I don't need a new car. My Yugo still works just fine. But I did a little research on this thing and after seeing what the big discount is per car, I've come to a conclusion.

Being a GM employee must suck royal donkey meat!

I'll just assume they're not REALLY giving you the employee price, cuz I can't see working for a company where the employee discount is so lame.

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